The barges

Catégorie(s) Big Doc

Format 52' – Documentaire - Société

Année 2019

In Vaulx-en-Velin, near Lyon, a new building has just been completed. It houses the first cooperative for aging people: Chamarel. This project is led by 18 retired people who have chosen to live together while preserving their autonomy.

“Les barges?” is the chronicle of this two-year adventure, seen from the inside.

“Les barges” is also a reflection on the strengths of mutual aid and mutualization, against the backdrop of the fragile balance between private and common.

lm written and directed by Cécile Boutain Diffusé sur – initial broadcasts on France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

© 2019 – Big Company Prod / France Télévisions
With support of CNC & Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes